Becoming Your Own Banker plus The Case for IBC





Purchase Becoming Your Own Banker plus the Case for IBC bundle. We feel these two books will give you the best of all aspects of understanding the Infinite Banking Concept. Becoming Your Own Banker is Nelson Nash’s original text that was used as a guide to the 10 hour presentation. This book spells out the problems that face most people financially (Paying Interest to others, Financing everything we buy and long term financial planning). The second book, The Case for IBC is taken from a 4 hour instruction by Carlos Lara, a business workout strategist and Roberty P. Murphy, PhD economist. The Case for IBC lays out the Infinite Banking concept through the lens of a typical business owner and helps you understand why IBC is important for businesses, entrepreneurs, real estate investors as well as everyday households. Nelson Nash also adds content to the book rounding out the ideas of how to implement the Infinite Banking Concept.