Unique Business Opportunity in Financial Services

We help others create more wealth, live better lives, and take care of those they love most.

Become an independent financial professional on your own terms and your own time!

Face it, we are in the most unbelievable times! Many people today learned that working from home or starting that side hustle is one of the best ways to create financial independence. The insurance industry is one of the oldest work-from-home businesses. Since the 1800s, many entrepreneurial minded people sold life insurance as a supplement to their careers. This was especially true in the farming communities of the mid-west. Many of the insurance companies from those days are still around helping families and businesses insure their most important assets.

Dynasty Wealth Partners decided in 2014 to partner with a unique insurance agency MPG Wealth. MPG is a mutual company. What does this mean? The agents participate in profits of the company. The founders own the company. MPG Wealth is a national financial services company specializing in the Infinite Banking Concept, Guaranteed Retirement Income and Long Term Care solutions.

A New Way of Wealth Building through the Infinite Banking Concept

Thinking about Financial Services 180° from the “typical” financial planner, typical financial planning wants client to give them their money to manage. We don’t “invest” people’s money. What we do at MPG Wealth / Dynasty Wealth Partners is help clients keep more control over their own money that is tax advantaged. We use the oldest financial tool in the United States, whole life insurance that is specially designed to maximize cash accumulation characteristics to build a Warehouse of Wealth. When you have guaranteed access to capital, opportunities will surely come your way.


All MPG agents are paid at a starting contract rate of 60% and have the ability to move up to 80% based on sales goals. This starting contract is high, with the additional dividends paid out by MPG, and represents one of the most lucrative contracts in the industry. On top of compensation based on personal production, agents can qualify for more compensation detailed below.

Qualified agents with MPG Wealth earn dividends from the profits of the company based on production.

Bonuses are typically paid after reaching specified milestones and represent exceptional performance and success within the organization.

Agents that decide to build a team will earn overrides base on the production of downline agents. Helping, training, mentoring and coaching new agents is key to earning overrides.

Virtual Agency

Want to create your own insurance agency without the headaches of running an agency? MPG Wealth allows agents to recruit and build a sales team. By helping others, it’s a win win for all. MPG Wealth agents share financial knowledge, best practices, and strategies for life insurance protection, retirement savings and education planning to help clients build better futures.

Fiercely Independent

We help make the idea of financial independence and financial security accessible to a diverse group of people from a wide range of backgrounds. MPG Wealth / Dynasty Wealth Partners offers access to those looking to create a full-time business or one that is part-time to earn extra income. No matter which you choose, we are here to support the growth of your business.

Each “qualified” agent with MPG is independently contracted with carriers. This means that agents own their own book of business. This also means that if an agent would like to engage with other opportunities, they may do so.

A qualified agent is one that has accumulated $50,000 FYPC in business. FYPC is First year premium credit.

Training, Team Building, Leadership

Agents receive training on setting up their business, as well as sales ideas to help you get started quickly. Using the Virtual Agency platform, agents can recruit other agents across the US. Training is done via phone and web conference, as well as live training events held around the country. By building a team with MPG Wealth, you will obtain leadership skills to help you grow personally and professionally.

Embracing Diversity

MPG Wealth is proud to have a diverse team. We have people from all walks of life, backgrounds, religions and ethnicities. MPG Wealth is a company built on teamwork and embracing the ever changing cultural business environment.

Qualities of a successful Agent


Being a financial professional can be a lonely business if you expect to do it all alone. We at Dynasty Wealth / MPG Wealth take a team approach to help everyone who desires more success. You are an independent insurance agent, but that doesn’t mean you have to go it alone. We’re here to help you, coach you, cheer you on and support you when things don’t go as planned. Joining a team just makes sense. As an independent agent you can also do your own thing as well. You may want to pick up other lines of insurance or provide typical financial planning tools like stocks, bond or mutual funds. That’s okay. We specialize in helping clients implement financial strategies using specially design life insurance (AKA, Infinite Banking) We welcome all people who desire to help others create wealth.


Building confidence is done through doing. Just like learning to ride a bike, you too will build confidence as you work with clients as well as implement our financial strategies into your own life. We call this “earn while you learn” as well as expecting you to become A “product of the product” The best way to fully grasp is to have your own policies that you can use and show your clients.

Trustworthy – Honest

Face it, honesty in financial services is a must. People do business with those they know, like and trust. Our goal is to create lasting relationships with our clients to help them throughout their lives.

Strong communication skills

Educating our clients on concepts and ideas to build generational wealth requires good communication skills, both verbal as well as written. Being able to effectively communicate is a key component to success as Dynasty Wealth / MPG Wealth team member.


What does it mean to be coachable. Being coachable means taking experience from others and implementing these skills into your own business. Being able to take an idea and running with it is a value that all team members should possess.

Long-term outlook

Understanding that we work with clients, many for the entire lives as well as their children and grandchildren’s lives. Being a Dynasty Wealth / MPG Wealth Team member is being able to help clients to think long term. As Nelson Nash puts is, at least 70 years or three generations. Do you have a long-term outlook?

Is Dynasty Wealth / MPG Wealth a right fit for you?

Book a call now to learn more about joining our team!