Michael here! I became interested in wealth building and preservation in the 1990’s after serving in the US Army. During the 2000 dot com crash, I witnessed firsthand how many people who were nearing retirement lost nearly half of their savings. This happened again during the 2007-2008 housing and stock market crash. It seemed like there were no safe bets.
After 2008, I went on a mission to understand what the heck happened. This is where I discovered how money works, how banking works and, in a more broad sense, economics from an Austrian perspective. From 2008 until 2013, I continued learning more about how money works. One of the biggest revelations was learning about the Federal Reserve system and how banks can print money “out of thin air.” After watching “Money as Debt,” I was determined to find a better way to save for the future.
Prior to being introduced to the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC), I was a devout follower of Dave Ramsey and the idea of being “debt free.” As a matter of fact, if I would have been introduced to IBC in 2002-2007 I would have told that person to take a hike. It was only after learning more about the banking system and financial markets and how they are rigged was I open to the idea.
In 2013 a friend introduced me to IBC and I thought it was a scam or too good to be true at best. But, after attending a conference called the “Night of Clarity” in Nashville, Tennessee, I made it my mission to learn everything I could about the idea of Becoming Your Own Banker. After learning more about Infinite Banking we decided to purchase our first policies in the fall of 2013 and have been practicing IBC ever since.
Looking back to 1989, I first purchased a whole life insurance policy but then canceled it in 1998. I sure wish I would have learned about IBC back then. The problem was we didn’t know how to properly use it. If we would have used IBC just for automobile purchases over the last 20 years we would have saved tens of thousands of dollars in interest alone! Like many others who have learned about IBC, “I wish I would have known about this 20 years ago” rings true.
After implementing IBC, I continued to do research to understand all there was and became licensed as insurance agent in 2014 just so I could learn more. In January of 2015, I completed the Infinite Banking Practitioners program and became a Certified IBC Practitioner.
We have worked with a wide variety of clients, from newly graduated people just starting out in life to families that are nearing retirement. Our specialty is entrepreneurs and business owners, as well as real estate investors. With the ups and downs of business, it’s so important to have a place to store your Sleep Well at Night (SWAN) money as well as a place to park your opportunity fund so that when one of the few deals of a lifetime comes your way, you are ready to act. As our mentor Nelson Nash says, “When you have access to cash, opportunities will seek you out.”
Alecia brings to our business a background in project management and client relationship management. In her project management days she managed many aspects of it product implementation. Her last assignment as project director as part of a national software package implementation for a private higher educational institution spanning over 4 years.
Secondly Alecia has a passion for helping helping others. Alecia help ours team by ensuring all clients are taken care of from initial application, to yearly reviews. Alecia is also a licensed insurance producer and knows her stuff about infinite banking. After reading the book, Becoming Your Own Banker she knew this was something we had to implement into our personal and business lives. While she believes 100% in the wealth building by financing our own lifestyle and secondary investments she really wants to create multi-generational wealth. Having grandchildren gives a different perspective on the fact that we want our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren to have more and become more. Using properly structured whole life insurance policies according to what Nelson Nash teaches in Becoming Your Own Banker, we are able to increase our passible estate significantly. We want to show our children and grandchildren how to implement IBC to continue to this wealth transfer for generations to come.
Together, the Sparks Team helps people implement The Infinite Banking Concept in order to have more and become more. We help you set goals for the future and to help families and businesses pay less interest, and taxes over their lifetimes. Thus building generational wealth guaranteed!